Consider the AMD Ryzen 3 3100 and 3300, B550 Motherboards for building a Starter PC

Ryzen 3 3100 and 3300

AMD Ryzen 3 3100 and 3300 CPUs are just around the corner, permitting that supply chains and deliveries are to arrive on schedule by the third week of May. If you’re starting a build, this is a good starter CPU to get, and since I do not think we’re getting the Ryzen 5 1600AF here in the Philippines (nor I’ve seen stores sell that particular model online).

Here are the CPU specifications of the AMD Ryzen 3 3100 and 3300:

You can find reviews of the processors from different Reviewers up in the Internet who already got their copies c/o AMD or from early store delievery”

Gamers Nexus:

Linus Tech Tips:

Jarrod’s Tech: 

There are more reviews out there, but these essentially tell what these new budget processors are capable of. But in a nutshell, the new Ryzen 3 CPUs are very capable for different tasks.

AMD B550 Motherboards

Now, AMD has shared details of their new chipset that will be out by next month. For a more detailed comparison between the two chipsets, an article from Gamers Nexus provides relevant information. Or watch their video version of the article here:

Also, here is the CPU compatibility chart for the various motherboard chipsets and their CPUs. Note that X570 and B550 are ready for the next iteration of Zen (Zen3) or also known as Ryzen 4000 series. Their versioning is kind of skewed, I know, but that’s how AMD implemented it.

Boards are out around June 16, 2020. We have no word yet of the models as well as prices for the upcoming motherboards from companies.


My take on this one, since I’m supposed to build a new machine is that if I’m building a 5-6 year machine, go for B550 to be sure. There might be a chance that hardware builders might release a custom BIOS update that will make the existing boards work with Ryzen 4000 series, but it’s a chance that could or could not work. For my case, since I have the budget, I’ll play safe and get the X570 board instead. My current machine has aged so much; and that it’s actually an emergency build when my actual rig died five years ago. And that with my current duties here will require a need to test out new PC components.

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