Globe Urges Customers to Report for Spam Cases

Globe encourages customers to report spam cases by using its reporting tool to fight against the increasing traffic of mobile fraud and spamming.

Cybercriminals have been using the pandemic where confusion still runs high until now. The digital shift marks a sensitive transition for many to digital transactions. To properly minimize these situations, Globe urges subscribers to relay their experiences.

On this link,, Globe customers can fill up a form to help report these spam and other dubious practices. After receiving the notice, Globe will then deactivate the malicious numbers.

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Globe also encourages prevention by reminding customers to be wary of 11-digit numbers pretending to be Globe. Globe will only message from a 4-digit or alphanumeric sender and will never ask for PINs or your personal information. It’s also imperative to be wary of anyone asking for your personal information, sim card, or PINs. Especially for alleged “prizes” to be won or claimed.

Scams such as these are usually to get your information as to get over verification or security processes to transactions where your mobile number is linked. Not only that, Globe reminds everyone that text message scams are still prevalent even today.

Text messages requiring recipients to send a certain amount to 2 + (10-digit mobile number) for alleged prizes, discounts, or refunds is a scam. It’s a Share-a-Load process that will transfer Prepaid load to the scammer. A similar one to this is requesting recipients to dial *100*1* (10-digit mobile number) with further instructions. In this case, it’s an AutoloadMAX retailer process that transfers load credits to the scammer.

In conclusion, to amp your security, Globe reminds everyone to always and only transact with Globe official channels and accounts:

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