Cherry continues to expand its product lineup under Cherry Home. Cherry Introduces its very own Cherry 2-in-1 Bladeless Fan and Air Purifier.

Make your home safe and clean

Cherry 2-in-1 Bladeless Fan and Air Purifier can clean air up to 30 square meters of area coverage giving your loved ones clean air circulation.  It has moisture-resistant isolation to balance conditions of humidity. Secure source of clean air with its H13 HEPA Filter that improves air quality, reducing the risk of respiratory conditions. Moreover, parents may feel less worried knowing that their families are protected. Having a bladeless fan reduces the possibility of grabbing fingers or other objects, making it safe for children.

The ease of a smart home

Cherry 2-in-1 Bladeless Fan and Air Purifier has a smart Wi-Fi app control capability that can be used with the Cherry Home app. From the amount of airflow as well as different speed, everything can be controlled from the tip of your finger. On top of that, you can remotely monitor and manage the device from anywhere. Creating convenience and comfort for your home.

Sleek, stylish and premium design

Its bladeless, sleek and premium design follows the trend of modern home interior. For minimalist-themed spaces, it is simple to modify the appearance and atmosphere to meet your current needs. Since it is quieter, you can welcome guests with a peaceful ambiance. This also makes it ideal for people who want to vary things up or move around frequently.

A tidy, clean, and well-ventilated home increase clarity which boosts productivity.

Grab Cherry 2-in-1 Bladeless Fan and Air Purifier for 7,359.

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