How GCash Fund Transfer Helped My Mom

I was introduced to GCash Fund Transfer last March. I’ve learned that I can make fund transfers to other banks without visiting an actual bank. I know it’s really helpful, but I haven’t had the chance to use it. I rarely do transactions in banks, and I thought I won’t be using this feature at all… until last weekend.

My sister and I were on an out-of-town trip. Our mom called me with panic in her voice. “Anak, I couldn’t find my main ATM card. I looked for it everywhere in the house.” I asked if she checked other parts of the house. “I checked everywhere” she said. It would’ve been okay for her to just wait for us to come back to Manila and help look for her ATM card, but she has to buy stuff from the grocery. “All I have here are Fifty pesos and some change and my Debit card which doesn’t have funds. I forgot to reload it with cash.”

The problem would’ve been solved if she has a GCash app (next time Mom!) but she doesn’t have one. She’s not really a techie person in the first place, so instructing her to use an app is out of the question. Fortunately, her debit card is one of GCash Fund Transfer’s 30+ partner banks!

So I went through the process and followed the instructions written by our colleague last month. It’s true! I never thought transferring funds is this easy and fun! I called back my mom and told her that I was able to transfer funds to her Debit card and all she has to do is withdraw the cash or pay for her groceries! Mom was so thankful and she said she will cook something very special for us when we get back. How sweet!

My realization for this is, first, I was able to make a fund transfer to her Debit card on a Saturday. She would normally go to the bank or other places just to have her card reloaded with funds. I did it simply with my GCash app.

Second, I was able to make a fund transfer while I’m far away from Manila, from civilization. We were in the beach enjoying and I did the fund transfer from there.

This is the future of banking, and I am already experiencing it thanks to GCash Fund Transfer! Now, I am looking forward for mom’s special meal!

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