New Role!


I first learned about Pinoy Xtreme Channel during my 1-month stay in Boracay last year. I was channel-surfing until I saw an old PBA (Philippine Basketball Association) game was being shown. I’ve been dying to watch these old games ever since I became a basketball fan in 1988 and remain glued to the channel whenever there was nothing else to watch. Aside from the PBA’s Greatest Games, I noticed my good friend DJ Matt Montoya’s show, Stoplight TV was also being shown on the same channel.

Fast forward to 2 weeks ago, Matt and I discussed about his stint in the cable channel and he proposed of having a tech segment for it. He thought of having me handle the segment and I’m like, why not?! We went to the office of the station and met with the Channel Manager to discuss our proposal. I left with the official title of Executive Producer of Pinoy Xtreme Tech, Pinoy Xtreme Channel’s tech segment.

So yeah, I do have a new role and a very interesting one at that. It’s traditional media. It’s TV, and now I have a chance of putting more content on a cable channel with tech stuff! Blogging will definitely continue, and… I might have another project proposal to work on that will make me a full-media person

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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