Netflix Now Offers Mobile Plan for P149 per Month

Would you like to watch popular movies on your phone during your commute? Or watch old TV series like “Friends” or be part of the “Crash Landing On You” bandwagon? We all know Netflix can provide these already since they entered the Philippine market four years ago. Problem is, a lot of Filipinos find the monthly fees expensive, resorting to other ways to use the service. Well, we have some good news for everyone. Netflix has announced that they are now going to offer a mobile-only plan for the Philippines. For only P149 per month, smartphone and tablet users can enjoy watching Netflix vast library of Movies, TV series and Documentaries.

Filipino mobile users keep on growing and are more glued to their devices rather on TV. Netflix new P149 mobile plan would entice mobile users to subscribe thanks to its affordable rate. Subscribing to a mobile plan limits the user to 1 smartphone or tablet and can only watch videos in Standard Definition.

The Mobile Only subscription fee does not cover mobile data used for streaming Netflix services. Mobile Data used will be charged by the Telco Operator.

Visit or download the Netflix app on the Apple App Store or Google Play.

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