Spotted Gadget: Sony Experia Z1



Wednesday was a tiring day covering tech-related events. My friends invited me over to Commune to unwind and joined an impromptu meetup. One of those who attended happened to have a Sony Experia Z1.

This new found friend of mine showed me his Experia Z1 so I got to play with it for a few minutes. The hardware is solid like the original Experia Z, but I’m quite not fond of the Z1’s exterior. I prefer the look of the older Z, but that is just my preference.

The UI is smooth as expected and playing with it for only a few minutes did not give me any significant distinctions between this and the Experia Z. I always prefer a full hands-on in order for me to give a proper verdict.

The back of the Experia Z1 is a smudge magnet. I didn’t have a cleaning cloth with me handy, so there.

I am scheduled to attend a Sony event next week and I think it is about the launch of the Sony Experia Z1. If it is, then I will find time to play with the device for a longer period and request for a review unit.

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