I attended the NBA 2K14 Launch last week and even though I don’t play these kinds of games anymore, I still feel excited about it. Why am I excited?
It’s because I was given a copy of the game and I’ll be giving it away! 🙂
Yeah men! It’s a #DRGiveaways contest for an NBA 2k14 PS3 game!
Here are the steps on how to join:
1. Log-in with your Facebook account or email address below to enter the raffle.
2. Like my Facebook page or follow me on Twitter.
3. Share this blog post on Facebook or on Twitter.
4. Leave a comment on my blog post on why you want to win a copy of NBA 2K14 for PS3.
Winners will be announced here on October 19 and will be contacted via Facebook, Twitter and e-mail.
Here are some important reminders:
- You have until October 16, 2013 at 12:00a.m. to join.
- Contest is valid only for residents in the Philippines.
- Winners outside of Metro Manila will be contacted to discuss shipping of the prizes.
Big thanks to X-Play for sponsoring this prize. Good luck everyone and please continue to support DR on the GO!
Facebook page: Facebook.com/DRontheGO
Twitter: twitter.com/dronthego
I want to win a copy of #NBA2K14 for PS3 from DR on the GO because I love basketball and this game is really cool, fun and awesome to play with friends!
I want to win a copy of #NBA2K14 for PS3 from DR on the GO because I really really want this game!!! totally awesome game ever!
I want to win NBA 2k14 because I havent had a 2k NBA game since 2k11, and the graphics and gameplay look to be vastly improved since then!! Plus cant wait to try out all the roster switchups over the past few years!
I want to win so I can give it as a gift to my nephew. 🙂
I want to win a copy of #NBA2K14 for PS3 from DR on the GO because I really really want this game!!! totally awesome game ever!
I want to win a copy of #NBA2K14 for PS3 from DR on the GO bec. i love nba and i love basketball.
I want to win a copy of #NBA2K14 for PS3 because it will be a great presents for my birthday. Hope to win coz Im a big fan of NBA.
I want to win a copy of #NBA2K14 for PS3 from DR on the GO because I really really want NBA game and I love Basketball 🙂 <3
I want to win NBA2K14 because I can’t play basketball outside 🙁
I need this!…still playing 2k11! 🙁
I love NBA, with their latest release, i would surely spend my entire semestral break on this one.
My brother loves basketball games. He will surely like to play this game. Who wouldn’t want?
I want to win copy of #NBA2K14 for PS3 from DR on the GO because it years when i last have new game for PS3.