Smart Big Bytes 50 Gives Us A Whole Lotta Data for 3 Days!

Smart Big Bytes 50 has been around for around a year now and it remains to be one of the most popular promos of Smart Prepaid. What I like about this promo is they keep on making it better. This time, the newer and enhanced Smart Big Bytes 50 will give you more reason to subscribe and be online all the time!

The old promo last year only gave us 350MB of open access for 3 days. For most people, that amount of data can be “bitin” for 3 days, especially if the users are online for the whole time. The new promo shows the generosity of Smart Prepaid. They doubled the data access to 700MB for 3 days. This means you can browse the web, share status messages, pictures and videos with your social media apps, connect with other people using messaging apps and go online with your favorite games like Clash Royale! With that amount of data, di ka na siguro mabibitin niyan!

Not only that, aside from 700MB open data access, Smart Big Bytes 50 is also throwing in 600MB worth of data when you access YouTube, iflix and other video streaming sites. 600MB can fetch you at least 2 full movies or several TV series. Need to check how-to videos or watch the uploaded recent concert of Madonna on YouTube? Download movies or stream TV series on iflix? Smart Big Bytes has you covered! No need to be tipid whenever you want to watch videos.

In a nutshell, you can enjoy 700MB of open data and 600MB of videos for 3 days. The best news is we pay for the same price of P50! Absolutely no price increase! Because of this, I am able to maximize my Smart Prepaid’s data connection for the smartphones I’m testing. I have to tell yah, talagang sulit!

Subscribe now by texting BIG 50 to 9999. For more info about this offer, visit

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