Having a hard time adjusting from office space to your home? Try these hacks from Fujitsu on how to maximize scanner functions to improve efficiency!
During the lockdown, you must’ve decluttered at least once. Tons of paperwork would be the last thing you’ll want. Issues like these can be solved with a scanning device that handles your paperwork digitally for you. Here’s what to expect once you get one!
1. One-Touch Information Accessibility: Working from home means sending documents to different recipients over and over. With a scanner, such as the Fujitsu’s ScanSnap iX Series—iX1500 and iX100, you can use Fujitsu’s ScanSnap Cloud to send data directly in one touch! The ScanSnap Cloud lets you connect to commonly used cloud services while getting to simultaneously sort your data.
2. Easier Collaboration: Now that your data’s streamlined into your team’s cloud, documents would be easily accessible as well! The won’t be a hitch in consolidating all of your works now.
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3. High-Quality Documents: You’re already working digitally, might as well make the switch from manually paperwork compilations into digital archiving. Scanning your paperwork would not only make your documents easier to access but also elevate its overall quality. For example, once you use a scanner like Fujitsu’s ScanSnap iX1500, all your documents would have a consistent look that won’t fade away. Or with the ScanSnap SV600, you can also make compiling long texts with pictures from magazines or books better. Not only will you get clear documents, but also a consistent format you won’t have to manually adjust.
4. Less Time Consuming: Reaching those deadlines amidst the world’s situation must be overwhelming. Can’t wait to get your work done? Streamline your remote workflow with a scanner the Fujitsu’s ScanSnap IX1500 which scans about 30-pages per minute. If that doesn’t sit the best with you, there’s also the lightweight ScanSnap S1100i with dual scanning and the ScanSnap S1300i that can scan up to 12 double-sided pages per minute. Basically, many options all to save your time.
5. Improve Efficiency: Lastly, the main point of this whole article. With a scanner, you can get work done just as well as normal or even better. Get a scanner and you’ll also be getting a whole ecosystem that will assist you on every step of the way. Fujitsu’s ScanSnap Home is a great example of this.
The ScanSnap home digitally manages all your documents for sorting, accessing, and editing. You can modify file information or turn files into the document format you’d want. All of which are at your fingertips.
Fujitsu offers their ScanSnap Scanners which instantly boosts productivity with its many practical functions. The modern day-to-day of professionals would definitely benefit from it. Whether it’s time, quality, or accessibility, you’ll achieve them all with Fujitsu.
Learn more about Fujitsu on their Official Website.