LinkedIn makes postings for critical jobs in hospitals, non-government organizations, and essential services for free! Manpower is especially essential amidst this public health threat. As such, LinkedIn hopes to ease connecting organizations with professionals much needed as the world’s largest professional network!
On April 3, LinkedIn has begun their COVID- 19 initiatives. For three months, until June 30, job postings for frontliners on LinkedIn are all for free. No additional fees. In this race against time, LinkedIn also made appropriate adjustments to their site wherein job postings for health professionals will be seen first.
Moreover, aside from seeing it in LinkedIn’s homepage and the Jobs page, medical professionals are all added to a list of urgent jobs. Plus, there’s a banner to make it easier to access and see!
Organizations might also need to hire essential workers dealing with coronavirus secondary effects to keep things going. LinkedIn understands the importance in dealing with unemployment, childcare, and mental health issues. Thus, they have expanded the Recruiting For Good program for these roles to be filled with paid- workers or volunteers.
Over a 100 LinkedIn employees are screening and sourcing manpower to the organizations who need them. The screening part is very important especially those who will work for the health sector. LinkedIn has also considered that and is offering free access to LinkedIn Talent Insights for three months to connect firms with talent statistics and insights.
Lastly, a Navigating Coronavirus microsite is present as well to educate site- users with helpful information in the current hiring scene. LinkedIn is also encouraging professionals to use this time to improve! LinkedIn just made their learning resources made to help users navigate the current predicament for free. Premium members can also check out LinkedIn Learning’s wide array of courses.
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