Google Inbox: The New Approach to Email

Google developers have been brewing something new and it may change the way we deal with email. Google Inbox was announced a few days ago by the same team that developed Gmail ten years ago, and it looks like an interesting cross between the inbox that you’re used to and Google Now.

This new platform has several features that will totally reinvent email threads. Messages will now be collated into default or customized “bundles”, allowing you to see things that you need and to ignore all the noise. “Highlights” pulls up important messages such as documents and itineraries, and can even sync with Google to give you information related to what’s been sent to you. Inbox also becomes your all-around task manager, from setting schedules and alarms to creating “Assists”, or pieces or information that will help you get everything done.

Google Inbox

Inbox is now available for download on the Chrome Web Store, on the Google Play Store, and on iTunes, but you’ll need an invitation to access it. To get one, email [email protected], or ask a friend who already has one to invite you to the app.

Info and Photo source: Official Google Blog, Google Play, Google Inbox


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